Flexton is an ultra-minimalist and responsive theme for Jekyll
Flexton created especially for those who appreciate minimalism and functionality.
Amazing flexibility with pleasant colors and custom design makes Flexton a simple theme, suitable for almost any blog.
![Page preview](https://github.com/artemsheludko/flexton/blob/master/images/preview.png?raw=true)Features
- 100% responsive and clean theme
- Optimized for mobile devices
- Valid HTML5 code
- Included site search
- Contact Page
- Post sharing
- Supports Mail Chimp Subscriber
- Supports Disqus Comments
- Social Media Profiles
- Contact Form - FormsPree
- Evil Icons
- Google Fonts
I have used the following scripts, fonts or other files as listed.
- Google Fonts (Volkhov, Open Sans).
- Evil Icons
- FitVids.js
- jQuery.com
- Simple-Jekyll-Search
- Preview Images form unsplash.com, pexels.com
To run the theme locally, navigate to the theme directory and run `bundle install` to install the dependencies, then run `jekyll serve` or `bundle exec serve` to start the Jekyll server. I would recommend checking the [Deployment Methods](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/deployment-methods/) page on Jekyll website.Donate
If you want to show your appreciation, buy me one !
Thank you for your support!