HMFAYSAL OMEGA is a minimalist, beautiful, responsive theme for Jekyll designed for engineers as well as writers who want their content to take front and center. This theme elegantly wraps each page and post with featured images complementing the content. HMFAYSAL OMEGA is the most complete and complex theme designed for Jekyll to date, ready to handle whatever you throw at it. It was built – by Engineer slash Mathematician Hossain Mohd Faysal.

The theme features:

  • Twitter Bootstrap 3
  • Option to set featured image that beautifully wraps your content in header and footer
  • Custom Javascript to emphasize the first paragraph p:first-child of your post
  • Variable templates for articles, quotation and status updates
  • Display Equations via Native MathJax Support
  • Plugin-free/Github Pages Deployment Ready
  • Read time Calculator: Calculation of post read-time based on word count (Via Liquid Tags instead of a plugin)
  • Complex pagination script if you decide to turn pagination on
  • CSS3 transitions for better performance
  • Ability to turn of animations in _config.yml
  • Readable typography to make your words shine
  • Disqus comments if you choose to enable
  • Simple and clear permalink structure
  • Footer Menu
  • SVG graphics
  • Google Fonts
  • 361 Fontawesome icons
  • Tags for Open Graph and Twitter Cards for a better social sharing experience
  • Beautifully crafted 404 page
  • Custom categories and tags pages for viewers pleasure
  • Stylesheets for Pygments and Coderay to make your code examples look snazzy
  • Simple search that overlays results based on post title
  • Sitemap for search engines
  • Designed by an Electrical Engineer

For a full list of features, visit this link


Having a problem getting something to work or want to know why I setup something in a certain way? Ping me on Twitter @hmfaysal or file a GitHub Issue.


If you have some specific requests for this theme, or if you need help custom coding some elements, message me on Twitter @hmfaysal or email me at [email protected]


This theme is free and open source software, distributed under the The MIT License. So feel free to use this Jekyll theme on your site without linking back to me or using a disclaimer.

If you’d like to give me credit somewhere on your blog or tweet a shout out to @hmfaysal, that would be pretty sweet.

Warm Regards and Stay Creative, Hossain Mohd. Faysal