Lokmont is a simple and completely responsive theme for Jekyll, suitable for any kind of bloggers and writers. It was created to be minimal, clean and at the same time functional.
Table of Contents ----------------- * [Demo](#demo) * [Features](#features) * [Deployment](#deployment) * [Posts](#posts) * [Other Authors](#authors) * [Disqus Comments](#disqus) * [Google Analytics](#analytics) * [Update favicon](#favicon) * [Credits](#credits) * [License](#license) * [Donate](#donate) * * * ### Demo Check the theme in action [Demo](https://lokmont-jekyll.anvodstudio.com/)  The post page would look like this:  * * * ### Features * 100% responsive and clean theme * Optimized for mobile devices * Minimal design * Valid HTML5 code * Included site search * Contact Page * Post sharing * Supports Mail Chimp Subscriber * Supports Disqus Comments * Social Media Profiles * Formspree form * Font Awesome fonts * Google Fonts * * * ### Deployment To run the theme locally, navigate to the theme directory and run `bundle install` to install the dependencies, then run `jekyll serve` or `bundle exec jekyll serve` to start the Jekyll server. I would recommend checking the [Deployment Methods](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/deployment-methods/) page on Jekyll website. * * * ### Posts To create a new post, you can create a new markdown file inside the _posts directory by following the [recommended file structure](https://jekyllrb.com/docs/posts/#creating-post-files). ```sh --- layout: post title: 10 Best books of all time date: 2017-10-27 18:09:50 +0300 img: 17.jpg tags: [Books, Hobby] author: Natali_Braxton # Optional --- ``` You can set the tags, author and the post image. Add post images to **/images/pages/** directory. For tags, try to not add space between two words, for example, `Ruby on Rails`, could be something like (`ruby-on-rails`, `Ruby_on_Rails`, or `Ruby-on-Rails`). * * * ### Authors You can add other authors for your posts. In the beginning, create the author in the file `_config.yml` **For example:** ```sh # Other Authors - here you can add Other authors. For example Natali_Braxton authors: Natali_Braxton: author-name: Natali Braxton author-image: 111.jpg about-author: My name is Natali Braxton. I love walking, I play the guitar in my spare time. And also write articles about different technologies. author-email: [email protected] author-twitter: https://twitter.com/ author-facebook: https://twitter.com/ author-instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ author-pinterest: https://pinterest.com/ ``` Then add the author in a post. Save and you are done. ```sh --- layout: post title: 10 Best books of all time date: 2017-10-27 18:09:50 +0300 img: 17.jpg tags: [Books, Hobby] author: Natali_Braxton --- ``` * * * ### Disqus Lokmont Theme comes with Disqus comments enabled. Open `_config.yml` file, and change the `mr-brown` value on line 52 with your [Disqus account shortname](https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/466208). ```sh # Comment Section (Disqus) disqus-identifier: mr-brown # Add your shortname for Disqus Comment. For example mr-brown ``` That’s all you need to setup Disqus from the theme side. If you get any issue regarding that comments are unable to load. First, make sure you have [registered your website with Disqus (Step 1)](https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/466182-publisher-quick-start-guide). And also check [Disqus troubleshooting guide](https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/472007-i-m-receiving-the-message-%22we-were-unable-to-load-disqus-%22) if you still have issues. * * * ### Analytics To integrate Google Analytics, open `_config.yml`, and add your Google Analytics identifier. ```sh # Google Analytics google-analytics: # Add your identifier. For example UA-99631805-1 ``` * * * ### Favicon You can find the current favicon (favicon.ico) inside the theme root directory, just replace it with your new favicon. * * * ### Credits We have used the following scripts, fonts or other files as listed. * [Google Fonts](https://fonts.google.com/) (Dancing+Script, PT+Serif, Lato, Roboto). * [Font Awesome](https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/) * [FitVids.js](http://fitvidsjs.com/) * [jQuery-viewport-checker](https://github.com/dirkgroenen/jQuery-viewport-checker) * [Zoom](https://github.com/fat/zoom.js) * [Transition](http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#transitions) * [jQuery.com](https://jquery.com/) * [Simple-Jekyll-Search](https://github.com/christian-fei/Simple-Jekyll-Search) * Preview Images [unsplash.com](https://unsplash.com/), [pexels.com](https://www.pexels.com/) * * * ### License MIT License * * * ### DonateIf you want to show your appreciation, buy me one ! Every five cups of coffee and a new theme for Jekyll is ready 😋
Either way, your support is a way to thank me ❤️
Thank you for your support!