## Welcome to uBuild [beta] uBuild is an open-source Jekyll based theme and comes with 16 fully responsive design block. It also doubles as a builder tool when used inside the [Forestry](https://forestry.io) content manager. [Learn More](https://forestry.io/blog/ubuild-a-new-theme-for-static-sites-using-blocks/) ![](https://forestryio.github.io/ubuild-jekyll/uploads/2018/06/21/theme.png) Take a look at our [live demo](https://forestryio.github.io/ubuild-jekyll/) to get a feel for what it looks like! Created by [Nichlas W. Andersen](http://itsnwa.com/) ([Twitter](https://twitter.com/nichlaswa)) ### Features * 16 fully responsive design blocks * Page Builder Capabilities (with Forestry) * Form submissions with **[Formspree.io](https://formspree.io/)** contact form integration * This theme is in active development, so we're adding features at an on-going basis (_feel free to file an issue if you're missing something [https://github.com/forestryio/ubuild-jekyll/issues](https://github.com/forestryio/ubuild-jekyll/issues)_) ### Getting Started Click on our "[Import uBuild Button](https://forestry.io/blog/ubuild-a-new-theme-for-static-sites-using-blocks/#even-quicker-start)" to get started right away. Find the code on [GitHub](https://github.com/forestryio/ubuild-jekyll/) and more information on [our blog](https://forestry.io/blog/ubuild-a-new-theme-for-static-sites-using-blocks/)